

The snow on the roof is worrying us........it's getting heavy. We tried to knock it down but it's so hard we could not budge it at all.

We went and picked up our snow blower that was being repaired. I had hoped to take some pictures of the snow......but all we could find was black, dirty snow. The snow plows had been out in full force clearing the streets.

What we are seeing now is lot's of pot holes in the streets from the storm damage. You have to be so careful when driving to try and avoid them.

Our trip to the grocery store was interesting.........the shelves are full once again. We did find that the meat department is still not getting all the meat.........we came home empty handed. Will have to make another trip to pick up our favorite peice of meat to cook..........a Chief Prime Pork Roast.

It felt like spring time today as the temperature rose into the 40's.........there was some serious melting going on. The parking lot's have lot's of water puddles so you have to be careful where you walk.

They are forcasting a high of close to 0 and more snow this coming weekend. We seem to get these storms every Thursday and Friday. We are dreading this cold that is coming our way.
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